Draft developed at IOF MTB-O Committee meeting August.1999, Paris.
This first draft version of the competition rules was prepared October 1999.
Subsequent amendments will be published on the official IOF web site at
http: //www.orienteering.org/
Sporting fairness shall be paramount in the interpretation of these rules
(Rule 2.6).
Section Page
Index 1
1. Definitions 2
2. General provisions 3
3. Event programme 3
4. Event applications 3
5. Classes 4
6. Participation 4
7. Costs 4
8. Information about the event 5
9. Entries 6
10. Travel and transport 6
11. Training and model event 6
12. Starting order and start draw 7
13. Team officials' meeting 7
14. Terrain 7
15. Maps 7
16. Courses 8
17. Restricted areas and routes 8
18. Control descriptions 8
19. Control set-up and equipment 8
20. Control card 9
21. Equipment 9
22. Start 9
23. Finish and time-keeping 10
24. Results and scores 10
25. Prizes 11
26. Fair play 11
27. Complaints 12
28. Protests 12
29. Jury 12
30. Appeals 12
31. Event control 12
32. Event reports 13
33. Advertising and sponsorship 13
34. Media service 13
Appendix 1: General competition guidelines 14
Appendix 2: Agenda for team officials' meeting 14
Appendix 3: Approved control cards and marking devices 14
Appendix 4: Specific rules for advertising and sponsorship 15
Appendix 5: Recommended additional literature 15
Appendix 6: World Cup scoring system 15
Appendix 7: MTB-O Maps 15
Appendix 8: Environmental Mandate 16
Appendix 9: Criteria for selection of MTB-O WOC host countries 16
1. Definitions
1.1 MTB-O is a sport in which the competitors visit a number of points
marked on the ground, controls, in the shortest possible time aided by
map and compass.
Mountainbiking and navigational skills shall be tested in such a
way that navigational skill is the decisive element.
In MTB-O the course shall be completed predominantly on
mountainbikes. Parts may be completed on foot, in which case the
competitor must carry the mountainbike.
The term competitor means an individual of either sex or a team, as
1.2 Types of MTB-O may be distinguished by:
1.2.1 The time of competition:
* Day. In daylight
* Night. In the dark.
1.2.2 The nature of the competition:
* Individual. The individual performs independently
* Relay. Two or more team members complete consecutive individual races
* Team. Two or more individuals collaborate.
1.2.3 The way of determining the competition result:
* Single race competition. The result of one single race is the
final result.
The competitors may compete in different races: the A race, the B
race and so on, with the placed competitors of the B race
placed after the placed competitors of the A race and so on.
* Multi-race competition. The combined results of two or more races,
held during one day or several days, form the final result.
* Qualification race competition. The competitors qualify for a final
race through one or more qualification races in which they
may be allocated to different heats.
The competition's result is that of the final only.
There may be A and B finals and so on, with the placed competitors
of the B final placed after the placed competitors of the A final and so
1.2.4 The order in which the controls are to be visited:
* In a specific order. The sequence is prescribed
* In no specific order. The competitors are free to choose the order
1.3 The term federation means a full member federation of the IOF.
1.4 The term event embraces all aspects of an MTB-O meeting including
organisational matters such as start draws, team officials' meetings and
An event, eg. the World Ski Orienteering Championships, may include more
than one competition.
1.5 The World MTB-O Championships (WOC) is the official event to award
the titles of Men and Women Senior, Junior and Masters World Champions
in MTB-O.
It is organised under the authority of the IOF and the appointed
1.6 The World Cup in MTB-O (WC) is the official series of events to
find the world's best mountanbike orienteers over a season.
Each round will include a classic individual competition and a relay
competition for National teams of 3 persons.
The different events are organised under the authority of the IOF
and the federations of the organisers.
1.7 The Junior World MTB-O Championships (JWOC) is the official event
to award the titles of Junior World Champions in MTB-O. It is organised
under the authority of the IOF and the appointed federation.
1.8 The World Masters MTB-O Championships (WMOC) is the official event
to find the world's best veteran mountainbike orienteers. It
is organised under the authority of the IOF and the federation of the
2. General provisions
2.1 These rules shall be binding at the World MTB-O Championships, and
the MTB-O World Cup.
Every rules point with no event abbreviation before its number is
valid for all these events.
A rules point valid only for one or more of these events is marked
with the specific abbreviation(s) in the margin beside the rules
point number. Such specific rules take precedence over any general rules
with which they conflict.
2.2 These rules are recommended as a basis for national rules.
2.3 If not otherwise mentioned these rules are valid for individual day
orienteering competitions on any pedal powered cycle - normally
2.4 Additional regulations which do not conflict with these rules may
be determined by the organiser. They need the approval of the IOF
2.5 These rules and any additional regulations shall be binding for all
competitors, team officials and other persons connected with the
organisation or in contact with the competitors.
2.6 Sporting fairness shall be the guiding principle in the
interpretation of these rules by competitors, organisers and the
2.7 The English text of these rules shall be taken as decisive in any
dispute arising from any translation into any other language.
2.8 In relays the rules for individual events are valid, unless
otherwise stated.
2.9 The IOF Council may decide special rules or norms which shall be
followed, eg. International Specification for Orienteering
Maps, International Specification for MTB-O Maps, Principles for Course
Planning and IOF Anti-Doping Rules.
2.10 The IOF Council may allow deviations from these rules and norms.
Requests for permission to deviate from them shall be sent to the IOF
Secretariat at least 6 months prior to the event.
2.11 The World Cup Guidelines should be followed at all World Cup events.
Significant deviations require the consent of the IOF Controller.
2.12 Junior championships shall be organised at MTB-O WOC in accordance
with the following principles:
* The best junior mountainbike orienteers of each federation shall be
offered competitions of high technical quality
* The event shall have a social, as well as a competitive atmosphere,
accentuating exchange of experiences
* The costs of participating shall be kept as low as possible.
3. Event programme
3.1 The event dates and programme is proposed by the organiser and
approved by the IOF Council.
3.2 The World Ski Orienteering Championship is organised every even year.
The programme shall include:
* an opening ceremony
* a model / training event
* qualification events if required
* a classic event / final
* a relay event
* open event(s) for those not in the national teams
* opportunities for rest and tourism
* closing ceremony and prizegiving
The programme shall be kept within no more than 7 days.
3.3 The World Cup is an annual event, and comprises a number of events
organised in different countries to include the individual World Cup
and the Relay World Cup.
3.4 The IOF MTB-O Committee in liaison with the IOF Council determines the
number and types of World Cup events and any necessary special rules.
3.5 A World Cup event can be organised separately or in conjunction
with another event. If another competition is organised on the
same day, it should take place after the World Cup competition.
4. Event applications
4.1 Any IOF affliiated federation may apply to organise an IOF event.
4.2 Applications shall be forwarded by the federation to the IOF
The official application form shall be used, and the applications
shall contain all requested information and guarantees.
4.3 The IOF may impose a levy on any IOF event. The amount of the levy
shall be announced at least six months before the closing date for
applications for that event.
4.4 The IOF Council can void the sanctioning of an event if the
organiser fails to comply with the rules, the norms, the IOF Controller's
directions or the information submitted in the application. The organiser
cannot claim damages in this case.
4.5 Applications for the MTB-O WOC shall be received no later than
January 31st four years prior to the championship year. The organising
federation is appointed by the IOF Congress the same year.
The appointment must be confirmed by the signing, within 12 months,
of a contract to organise the event, else Council may make an alternative
4.6 Applications for the MTB-O WC shall be received no later than
January 31st in the year preceding the event.
4.7 Each federation may submit more than one application for an MTB-O
WC event, ranked in priority order.
4.8 Applications for MTB-O WC events are approved or rejected by the
IOF MTB-O committee in liaison with the IOF Council by October 31st in the
year preceding the event.
4.9 Selection of successful applicatons will be within the guidance
provided in Appendix 9.
5. Classes
5.1 Competitors are divided into classes according to their sex and age.
5.2 There will be both mens and womens classses in each of the age
classes of Junior, Senior and Masters.
5.3 Juniors: Competitors aged 18 or younger up to the end of the
calendar year in which they compete in the event. They are entitled to
compete in senior classes.
5.4 Seniors: Competitors aged between 19 and 39 up to the end of the
calendar year in which they compete in the event
5.5 Masters: Competitors aged 40 or older up to the end of the calendar
year in which they compete in the event. They are entitled to compete
in senior classes.
5.6 Relays
Relays are competitions for national teams of three riders open to
all ages.
MTB-O WOC relay teams must contain a member of both sexes.
MTB-O WC relays are open competitions for womens teams and for mens
6. Participation
6.1 A competitor may represent only one federation during any one
competitive season. The federation shall decide on the definition of a
competitive season.
6.2 Competitors who are representing a federation shall have full
passport-holding citizenship of the country of that federation.
6.3 Each participating federation shall appoint a team manager to act
as a contact person between the team and the organiser. It is the team
manager's duty to see that the team receives all necessary information.
6.4 Competitors participate at their own risk. Insurance against
accidents shall be the responsibility of their federation or themselves,
according to national regulations.
6.5 All competitors are selected by, and represent one federation.
Each federation may enter an unlimited number of competitors at the
discretion of the organisers.
6.6 Each federation may enter an unlimited number of relay teams at
the discretion of the organisers.
6.7 If a federation is unable to make up full relay teams, it may form
mixed teams with other federations. The result of these teams
shall appear as "non competitive" in the official results list.
6.8 Qualification Events.
Based upon the times of the qualification race, the best
competitors from each qualification race heat qualify for the A-final of
the class.
The next best competitors from the qualification race heat qualify for the
B-final and so on.
The number of qualifiers from each heat to the A-final shall be
equal and shall be calculated so that the total number of qualifiers
is as close as possible to 50 in the absence of ties. Similarly for the
B-final and so on except that if there are more than two finals and
less than 10 competitors have qualified for the lowest ranked
final, they may be transferred to the next final up.
If two or more competitors tie for a place in a final, all of them
shall qualify for that final.
Competitors who are not placed in the qualification race may start
before the qualified competitors in the lowest ranked final of
their class, but shall appear in the result list as not placed.
7. Costs
7.1 The costs of organising an event are the responsibility of the
organiser. To cover the cost of the competition(s) itself, the
organiser may charge an entry fee. This fee shall be kept as low as
possible and shall be approved by the IOF Controller.
7.2 Each federation or individual competitor is responsible for paying
the entry fee as specified in the invitation.
Entries must be confirmed, and entry fees paid at last 1 month
prior to the event.
7.3 Late entries can be charged an additional fee. The amount of the
additional fee shall be approved by the IOF Controller.
7.4 Each federation or individual competitor is responsible for
defraying the expenses of travel to the event, accommodation, food and
transport between the accommodation, event centre and competition sites.
If the use of the official transport to the competition sites is
mandatory, the entry fee shall include these costs.
7.5 The travelling costs of the IOF appointed Controller and
Assistant(s), to and from the venue, shall be paid by the IOF. Local
costs during visits and the event days are paid by the organiser or the
organiser's federation according to national agreements.
7.6 All costs of IOF Controllers and Assistant(s) appointed by a
federation shall be paid by the organiser or the federation according to
national agreements.
7.7 Different standards of accommodation and food shall be offered, to
allow a choice of price groups.
8. Information about the event
8.1 All information and ceremonies shall be at least in English.
Official information shall be given in writing. It may be given
orally in urgent cases and in response to questions at team
officials' meetings.
8.2 Information from the organiser or the IOF Controller shall be given
in the form of bulletins. Bulletins 1 and 2 are sent to all federations.
Bulletins 3 and 4 are sent to participating federations. Ten copies of
each bulletin shall also be sent to the IOF Secretariat. If further
information is necessary, it shall be given to all appropriate
8.3 Bulletin 1 (preliminary information).
To be distributed: 12 months before the event (MTB-O WOC)
6 months before the event (MTB-O WC)
It shall include the following information:
* organiser and the names of the event director and controller(s)
* address and telephone/fax number for information
* venue
* dates and types of the competitions
* classes and any participation restrictions
* opportunities for training
* embargoed areas
* any peculiarities of the event
* a colour copy of the most recent version of any previous
orienteering map(s) of the embargoed areas
8.4 Bulletin 2 (invitation).
To be distributed: 6 months before the event (MTB-O WOC)
3 months before the event (MTB-O WC)
It shall include the following information:
* all information given in Bulletin 1
* latest date and address for entry
* entry fee for competitors and team officials
* latest day and address for the payment of the entry fees
* types and costs of accommodation and food
* latest date for reservation of official accommodation
* description of any transport offered
* information on public transport options for carriage of cycles from
the nearest airport to the event centre
* directions for obtaining entry permits (visas)
* details of opportunities for training
* description of terrain, climate and any hazards
* indication of distances from the event centre to the event areas
* event programme
* scales, vertical contour intervals and any additional or modified
map symbols
* winning time and approximate length and total climb of each course
* address and telephone/fax number of the official responsible for
the media
* a colour copy of the most recent version of any previous
orienteering map(s) of the embargoed areas area (if no such map
exists, a recent sample map showing the type of terrain)
* directions for registration of media representatives and any extra
representatives of the
8.5 Bulletin 3 (event information)
To be distributed: 2 months before the event (MTB-O WOC)
2 months before the event (MTB-O WC)
It shall include the following information:
* latest day for sending the exact number of participants
* latest day for sending the names of participants
* detailed programme of the event, including timetable for final name
entries and for the allocation of start groups
* details of the terrain
* summary of entries received
* any permitted deviations from the rules
* address and telephone/fax number of the competition office
* details of accommodation and food
* transport schedule
* the final length, total climb, number of controls and number of
refreshment controls on each individual course and, for the relays,
on each leg
* team officials' meetings
8.6 Bulletin 4 (additional event information)
It shall be given on arrival of the competitors and include final
details of the event information.
As much information as possible should be put in Bulletin 4,
leaving the minimum of information to be communicated at the team
officials' meetings.
9. Entries
9.1 Entries shall be submitted according to the instructions given in
Bulletin 2. At least the following details shall be supplied for each
competitor and team official: family name and first name, class or sex,
year of birth, federation.
Late entries can be refused or surcharged.
9.2 A competitor may only enter one class in any one competition.
9.3 The organiser may exclude competitors or teams from starting if
their entry fee is not paid and no agreement has been reached
about payment.
9.4 Reservations and reservation fees for accommodation shall reach the
organiser at the times specified in Bulletin 2.
9.5 No competitor may be replaced within one hour of the first start.
In relays, this also applies to the running order of the team members.
9.6 Entries giving the number of competitors of each sex, the number of
relay teams, the number of team officials and the team manager's
name, address and telephone/fax numbers shall reach the organiser no
later than 2 months prior to MTB-0 WOC, and 1 month prior to MTBO-WC
9.7 Each competitor's name and sex and the names of the team officials
shall reach the organiser no later than 14 days before the event.
Changes may be made to the team until 12 noon on the day before the
9.8 Names of the competitors and, if required, their starting group
allocation, or their running order within a relay team shall reach the
organiser no later than 18.00 on the day before the competition.
9.9 In individual competitions, between 18.00 on the day before the
competition and one hour before the first start in each class, a
competitor may only be replaced for a valid reason (e. g. accident or
Change of starting group or qualification race heat is not permitted.
No replacement is possible for finals of qualification race
competitions or for multi-race competitions after the first race.
9.10 In relays, changes of names of the team members and/or their
running order shall reach the organiser at least one hour before the
start of the relay.
10. Travel, transport and secure cycle storage
10.1 Each federation is responsible for organising its own travel.
10.2 The organiser will provide maps and timetable information to enable
teams to proceed by cycle or public transport from the nearest
international airport or railway station to the event centre or
10.3 On request, the organiser shall arrange to transport teamswith
their bicycles from the nearest i nternational airport or
railway station to the event centre or accommodation.
10.4 Transport between the accommodation, event centre, competition
sites, etc may either be arranged by the organiser or by the teams.
On request, the organiser shall arrange all necessary transport
during the event.
10.5 The use of official transport to a competition site may be declared
mandatory by the organiser.
10.6 Organisers should provide a secure compound for the storage of
cycles at the event centre, and at the competition area if appropriate.
11. Training and model event
11.1 Training opportunities shall be offered before the competition if
11.2 On the day prior to the first competition of an event, the
organiser shall put on a model event to demonstrate the
terrain type, map quality, control set-up, refreshment points and marked
11.3 Competitors, team officials, IOF officials and media
representatives shall be offered the opportunity to participate in the
model event.
11.4 If deemed necessary by the IOF Controller, further model events
shall be organised.
11.5 If deemed appropriate by the IOF Controller, the model event may be
organised on the day of the competition prior to the start.
12. Starting order and start draw
12.1 In an interval start, the competitors start singly at equal start
intervals. In a mass start, all competitors in a class start
simultaneously; in relays this applies only to the team members running the
first leg.
In a chasing start, the competitors start singly at start times and
intervals determined by their previous results. A simultaneous start for
two or more competitors may also be used for individual events.
12.2 The start draw may be made by hand or by a computer.
12.3 The start draw shall be supervised by the IOF Controller and at
least one jury member shall attend. The start draw may be public or
12.4 Names of all competitors and teams correctly entered shall be
drawn, even when a competitor has not arrived. For individual events,
entries without names (blanks) are not considered for the draw.
12.5 For an interval start the normal start interval is 2 minutes, but
can vary between 1 and 3 minutes. The interval in the MTB-O WOC
individual final is 3 minutes.
12.6 For an interval start other than finals of qualification race
competitions, the starting rder shall be drawn at random. If so
prescribed, the draw shall be made in starting groups.
12.7 For an interval start, competitors from the same federation may not
start consecutively.
If they are drawn to start consecutively, the next drawn competitor
shall be inserted between them. If this happens at the end of the draw
or at the end of a starting group, the competitor before them shall be
inserted between them.
12.8 Before mass start draws, start numbers shall be allocate to each of
the various course combinations. The course combinations shall be kept
secret until after the last competitor has started on his/her last loop.
12.9 All essential material and information (control cards, number bibs,
transport schedule, transport of spare equipment) are to be distributed to
the team leaders no later than one hour after the completion of the
start draw.
12.10 For the qualification races, the competitors of each class shall be
allocated to parallel heats by a draw. The heats of one class shall be of
equal size, and no heat shall have more than 50 competitors.
Competitors from the same federation shall be equally distributed
among the heats. As many competitors as there are heats
shall start at each start time, with the possible exception of the last
start time.
13. Team officials' meeting
13.1 The organiser shall arrange a technical meeting on the eveningprior
to each competition. The IOF Controller shall lead or supervise
the meeting.
13.2 Team officials shall have the opportunity to ask questions during
the meeting.
14. Terrain, and Care of the Environment
14.1 The terrain shall be suitable for setting competitive MTB-O courses.
14.2 The event area must contain a comprehensive network of tracks and
paths of differing qualities.
14.3 The competition terrain shall not have been used for either
orienteering or MTB-O for as long as possible, prior to the
competition, so that no competitor has an unfair advantage.
14.4 The competition area shall be embargoed as soon as it is decided.
14.5 Permission for access into embargoed terrain shall be obtained from
the organiser if needed.
14.6 Any rights of nature conservation, forestry, hunting, etc in the
area shall be respected. See Appendix 8. Model Environmental Policy.
14.7 It is the responsibility of the organiser to consult with
landowners and environment agencies to ensure that the competition causes
the minimum disturbance to plants and wildlife.
14.9 Competitors have a responsibility to avoid damage to plants,
wildlife, fences or walls, and must keep out of any out of bounds areas.
15. Maps
15.1 Maps, course markings and additional overprinting shall be drawn
according to the IOF International Specification for Orienteering Maps
and the IOF International Specification for MTB-O Maps.
Specifications are given in Appendix 7. Deviations need approval by
the IOF Council.
15.2 Organisers are encouraged to use maps drawn specifically for MTB-O
at a scale of 1:20.000.
Suitably overprinted 1:15.000 Foot O maps may also be acceptable.
15.3 Errors on the map and changes which have occurred in the terrain
since the map was printed shall be overprinted on the map or otherwise
corrected if they have a bearing on the event.
15.4 Maps shall be protected against moisture and damage.
15.5 If a previous orienteering map or ski orienteering map of the
competition area exists, colour copies must be displayed for all
competitors on the day prior to the competition.
15.6 On the day of the competition, the use of any map of the
competition area by competitors or team officials is
prohibited until permitted by the organiser.
15.7 The competition map should ideally be of A4 size, but i any case
must not be larger than required by a competitor to complete the course.
15.8 On smaller event areas, second or third maps may be used to
complete the course.
15.9 The IOF and its member federations shall have the right to
reproduce the event maps with courses in their official magazines
without having to pay a fee to the organiser.
16. Courses
16.1 The valid technical specifications and standards for MTB-O
published by the IOF shall be followed when setting the
16.2 The standard of the courses shall be worthy of an international
MTB-O event. The navigational skill, concentration and cycling ability
of the competitors shall be tested.
All courses shall call upon a range of different orienteering
Courses shall require a high level of concentration throughout the
competition, involving detailed map reading and frequent decision
All legs should be designed to provide a variety of route choices.
16.3 The length of the courses shall be given as following the shortest
sensible route choice from the start via the controls to the finish.
16.4 The total climb shall be given as the climb in metres along the
shortest sensible route choice.
16.5 The courses shall be set to give the following winning time
(minutes):Male Female
* sprint.
50 - 60 40 - 50
* classsic. 90
- 110 70 - 90
* endurance. 120
- 140 100 - 120
* other distances
* relays (time per leg): 50
- 60 40 - 50
16.6 In individual competitions, the controls may be combined
differently for the competitors, but all competitors in the
same class shall complete the same overall course.
16.7 In relay competitions, the controls shall be combined differently
for the teams, but all teams shall compete the same overall
course. If the terrain and the concept of the courses permit it, the length
of the legs may be significantly different. However, the sum of the
winning times of the legs shall be kept as prescribed.
17. Routes and restricted areas
17.1 Rules set by the organising federation to protect the environment
and any related instructions from the organiser shall be strictly
observed by all persons connected with the event.
17.2 Out-of-bounds or dangerous areas, forbidden routes, line features
that shall not be crossed, etc shall be described in the information and
marked on the map. If necessary, they shall also be marked on the
ground. Competitors may not enter, follow or cross such areas,
routes or features.
17.3 Cycling is allowed only on paths marked on the map, unless
otherwise notified by the organisers.
Any changes to this rule, such as the permitting of carrying or
walking with the bike between paths, shall be clearly stated in the
event instructions.
Organisers may be required by the IOF controller to enforce this
rule by the use of marshals.
Planners should design courses so as to minimise any benefit gained
from nfringement of this rule.
The penalty for breaking this rule is disqualification from the event.
17.4 Compulsory routes, crossing points and passages shall be marked
clearly on the map and on the ground. Competitors shall follow
the entire length of any marked section of their course.
17.5 Any crossing point over a vehicular road must be clearly signed to
warn motorists and competitors, and should be marshalled if appropriate.
18. Control descriptions
18.1 Control descriptions are not normally used in MTB-O.
18.2 Control descritons may be used to assist site identification if
deemed desirable. eg in open mountain,moorland or desert areas.
19. Control sites
19.1 The control point given on the map shall be clearly marked on the
ground and be equipped to enable the competitors to prove their
19.2 Each control shall be marked by a control flag consisting of three
squares 30 cm x 30 cm arranged in a triangular form. Each square shall
be divided diagonally, one half being white and the other orange
(PMS 165).
19.3 All controls must be situated on tracks shown on the competition
map unless specified otherwise in the event instructions.
19.4 Each control shall be identified with a code number, which shall be
fixed to the control so that a competitor using the marking device
can clearly read the code. Numbers less than 31 should not be used. The
figures shall be black on white, between 5 and 10 cm in height and have a
line width of 5 to 10 mm.
19.5 The code number for each control shall be available to competitors,
either by providing details before the start of the event for copying
onto the control card,or as an overprint on the map adjacent to the
control number, at a reduced size and within brackets (..)
19.6 To prove the passage of the competitors, there shall be a
sufficient number of marking devices in the immediate vicinity of each
20. Control card
20.1 Only IOF approved control cards and marking devices may be used.
See Appendix 3.
20.2 When non-electronic or combined systems are used, competitors are
allowed to prepare the control card, e. g. by reinforcing it by putting it
into a bag, but not by cutting-off parts of the control card.
20.3 When electronic systems are used, the competitors shall have the
possibility of practising at the model event.
20.4 Control cards or electronic punches must be connected to the cycle
by a zip tie or other secure device.
It is not permitted to remove the control card or electronic punch
from the cycle during the event.
20.5 Competitors shall be responsible for marking their own control card
at each control using the marking device provided. Competitors are
responsible for correct marking, even if at some controls the marking s
made by the organiser.
20.6 The marking must be clearly identifiable and shall show that all
controls have been visited.
20.7 A competitor with a control mark missing or unidentifiable shall
not be placed, unless it can be established with certainty
that the competitor visited the control and that the mark missing or
unidentifiable is not the competitor's fault.
20.8 When systems with visible punch marks are used, at least a part of the
marking must be in the appropriate box for this control or in an
empty reserve box. One mistake per competitor is acceptable, e.g.
marking outside the correct box or jumping one box, provided all markings
can be identified clearly. A competitor who attempts to gain advantage
by inaccurate marking may be disqualified.
20.9 The organiser has the right to have the control card checked by
officials at appointed controls and/or to mark the card.
20.10 Competitors who lose their control card, omit a control or visit
controls in the wrong order shall be disqualified.
21. Equipment
21.1 Helmets must be worn by all competitors.
21.2 It is the responsibility of the competitors and the team managers
to ensure that cycles are roadworthy.
21.3 As long as the rules of the organising federation do not specify
otherwise, there should be no restriction on the choice of
21.4 Start number bibs shall be clearly visible and worn as prescribed
by the organiser. The bibs shall not be l arger than 20 cm x 24 cm
with figures at least 12 cm. The number bibs may not be folded or cut.
Numbers shall be displayed on the front of the bike on MTB-O WOC
21.5 During the competition the only navigational equipment that
competitors may use are the map provided by the organiser and a
21.6 Competitors shall ride, push or carry their cycles from the start
via the controls to the finish.
21.7 Competitors may carry tools and spare parts during the competition,
but shall not use spares or tools other than carrried by themselves
or another competitor.
21.8 Telecommunication equipment may only be used in the competition
area with the permission of the organiser.
22. Start
22.1 In individual competitions, the start is normally an individual
start. In relay competitions, the start is normally a mass
22.2 All competitors shall have at least 30 minutes for undisturbed
preparation and warm-up at the start area. Only competitors who have
not started and team officials shall be allowed into the warm-up area.
22.3 The start may be organised with a pre-start before the time start,
situated at one edge of the warm-up area. If there is a pre-start, a
clock showing the competition time to team officials and competitors shall
be displayed there, and the competitors names shall be called or
displayed. Beyond the pre-start, only officials, starting competitors and
media representatives guided by the organiser are allowed.
22.4 At the start, a clock showing the competition time to the
competitors shall be displayed. If there is no pre-start, competitors'
names shall be called or displayed.
22.5 The start shall be organised so that later competitors and other
persons cannot see the map, courses, route choices or the direction to
the first control. If necessary, there shall be a marked route from the
time start to the point where orienteering begins.
22.6 The competitor is responsible for taking the right map. The
competitor's start number or name or course shall be indicated on the
map so as to be visible to the competitor before he/she starts.
22.7 The point where orienteering begins shall be shown on the map with
the start triangle and, if it not at the time start, marked in the
terrain by a control flag but no marking device.
22.8 Competitors who are late for their start time through their own
fault shall be permitted to start. The organiser will determine at
which time they may start, considering the possible influence on other
competitors. They shall be timed as if they had started at their
original start time.
22.9 Competitors who are late for their start time through the fault of
the organiser shall be given a new start time.
22.10 The changeover between the members of each relay team takes place
by touch. The changeover may be organised so that the incoming team
member collects the map of the outgoing team member and hands it
over as the changeover touch.
22.11 Correct and timely relay changeover is the responsibility of the
competitors, even when the organiser arranges an advanced warning of
incoming teams.
22.12 With the approval of the IOF Controller the organiser may arrange
mass starts for the later legs for relay teams that have not changed
22.13 In the changeover area, outgoing team members shall have some
advance warning of the arrival
of their preceding team members
22.14 The mass start area in relay events must be sufficiently wide to
provide a fair and safe start for riders.
Ideally this would be 20m wide with an uphill gradient.
No spectators shall be allowed between the cycles and the
competitors during a mass start.
23. Finish and time- keeping
23.1 The competition ends for a competitor when crossing the finishing line.
23.2 The route from the last control to the finish shall be bounded by
tape or rope.
The last 200 m of the course before the finish, and before the
exchange zones in relays, should be as straight as possible and at least
10m wide.
The last 100-150 m will be the finish zone. The beginning of this
zone must be clearly marked.
23.3 The finish line shall be at right angles to the direction of the
finish lanes.
The exact position of the finish line shall be obvious to
approaching competitors.
23.4 When a competitor has crossed the finish line, the competitor shall
hand in the control card including any plastic bag and, if so required
by the organiser, the competition map.
23.5 When using hand-timing, the time is taken when the competitor's
front tyre crosses the finish line, or when the competitor punches at the
finish line.
23.6 When a light beam is used for finish timing, the time is taken when
the contact is broken. The measuring point of the light or photo barrier
should be at height of 15 cm above the ground.
23.7 Times shall be given in in minutes and seconds only. and rounded
to the nearest whole second.
23.8 In competitions with simultaneous, mass or chasing starts, finish
judges shall rule on the final placings and a jury member shall be
present at the finish line.
23.9 Two independent time keeping systems, a primary and a secondary,
shall be used.
23.10 The organiser may set maximum times for each class.
23.11 There shall be medical facilities and personnel at the finish, who
are also equipped to work in the competition terrain.
24. Results and scores
24.1 Provisional results shall be announced and displayed in the finish
area during the competition.
24.2 The official results shall be published no more than 4 hours after
the latest allowable finishing time of the last starter. They shall be
handed out on the day of the competition to each team manager and to
accredited media representatives.
24.3 The official results shall include all participating competitors.
In relays, the results shall include the competitors' names
in the order in which they raced and times for their legs showing the
course combination for each leg.
24.4 If an interval start is used, two or more competitors having the
same time shall be given the same placing in the results list. The
position(s) following the tie shall remain vacant.
24.5 If a mass start or chasing start is used, the placings are
determined by the order in which the competitors finish. In relays
this will be the team member completing the last relay leg.
24.6 In relays where there are mass starts for later legs, the sum of
the individual times of the team members shall determine the
placings of the teams that have taken part in such mass starts. Teams
taking part in mass starts for later legs are placed after all teams which
have changed over and finished in the ordinary way.
24.7 Every competitor, team official and accredited media representative
shall be given an official results list and a competition map.
24.8 Points shall be awarded according to the World Cup Scoring Scheme
(Appendix 6).
24.9 The organiser shall display, in the finish area, the old and the
new total scores for at least the 20 best competitors and all
24.10 The IOF Secretariat shall produce the official total score lists
after every group of events and send them to all participating federations
and to all organisers.
24.11 The results of incomplete teams and teams with competitors from
more than one federation are
not considered in determining the placings in relay competitions,
but will be noted in the official results list.
24.12 If a federation is represented by two teams in a relay class, only
the team with the better result is considered in determining
the placings.
25. Prizes
25.1 The organiser shall arrange a dignified prize-giving ceremony.
25.2 Prizes for men and women shall be equivalent.
25.3 If two or more competitors have the same placing, they shall each
receive the appropriate medal and/or certificate.
25.4 The titles of Men and Women Senior, Masters and Junior World
Champion shall be awarded according to the results of the classic
The country World Championship will be awarded on the basis of the
winning natonal relay team.
25.5 The following prizes shall be awarded in all MTB-O WOC
competitions: * 1st place
Gold medal (plated) and certificate
* 2nd place Silver medal (plated) and certificate
* 3rd place Bronze medal and certificate
* 4th-6th place Certificate
Medals and certificates shall be supplied by the IOF.
25.6 In the relay, each individual member of the team shall receive the
appropriate medal and/ or certificate.
25.7 The prize-giving ceremonies for the MTB-O WOC shall be performed by
the representatives of the organising federation and the President or
one of the Vice Presidents of the IOF.
25.8 During the prize-giving ceremony, the national flags of the first
three competitors shall be flown and the national anthem of the
winner shall be played.
25.9 The winners of each MTB-O WC competition shall receive prizes
provided by the IOF. In each individual competition at least 6
competitors per class and in each relay competition at least the winning
team shall receive prizes provided by the organiser.
25.10 The first 3 competitors in both classes in the overall individual
MTB-O WC score lists after the last event receive prizes provided by
the IOF. At least the first 6 competitors in the overall score list after
the last event receive prizes provided by the organiser of that
event. The winning federations of the overall Relay World Cup receive
prizes provided by the IOF
25.11 IOF medals for the MTB-O WC shall be supplied by the IOF. The
medals shall be further engraved (local venue and date of event)
and provided with ribbons by the organiser.
26. Fair play
26.1 All persons taking part in an MTB-O event shall behave with
fairness and honesty. They shall have a sporting attitude and a
spirit of friendship. Competitors shall show respect for each other, for
officials, journalists, spectators and inhabitants of the competition
area. The competitors shall be as quiet as possible in the terrain.
26.2 The provision of assistance between competitors during a
competition is permitted.
No outside assistance is permited.
It is the duty of all competitors to help injured competitors.
26.3 Doping is forbidden. The IOF Anti-Doping Rules apply to all IOF
events and the IOF Council may require doping control procedures to be
26.4 The organiser, with the consent of the IOF controller, may decide
to publish the venue of the competition in advance. If the
venue is not made public, all officials shall maintain strict secrecy about
the competition area and the terrain. In any case strict secrecy about
the courses must be kept.
26.5 Any attempt to survey or train in the competition terrain is
forbidden. Attempts to gain any information related to the courses,
beyond that provided by the organiser, is forbidden before and during the
26.6 The organiser may consider barring from the competition any
competitor who is so well acquainted with the terrain or the map,
that the competitor would have a substantial advantage over other
In case of doubt, the matter shall be decided by the IOF Controller.
26.7 Team officials, competitors, media representatives and spectators
shall remain in the areas assigned to them.
26.8 Control officials shall neither disturb nor detain any competitor,
nor supply any information whatsoever. They shall remain quiet, wear
inconspicuous clothing and shall not help competitors approaching
controls. This also applies to all other persons in the terrain,
eg. media representatives.
26.9 Having crossed the finish line, a competitor may not re-enter the
competition terrain without the permission of the
organiser. A competitor who retires shall announce this at the finish
immediately and hand in the map and control card. That competitor
shall in no way influence the competition nor help other competitors.
26.10 A competitor who breaks any rule, or who benefits from the breaking
of any rule, may be disqualified.
26.11 Non-competitors who break any rule are liable to disciplinary action.
27. Complaints
27.1 A complaint can be made about infringements of these rules or the
organiser's directions.
27.2 Complaints can be made by event or team officials, competitors or
anybody else connected with the event.
27.3 Any complaint shall be made orally or in writing to the organiser
as soon as possible. A complaint is adjudicated by the organiser. The
complainant shall be informed about the decision immediately.
27.4 There is no fee for a complaint.
28. Protests
28.1 A protest can be made against the organiser's decision about a
28.2 Protests can be made by team officials, competitors or event officials.
28.3 Any protest shall be made in writing to a member of the jury as
soon as possible after the organiser's decision about a complaint.
28.4 There is no fee for a protest.
29. Jury
29.1 A jury shall be appointed to rule on protests.
29.2 The IOF Council decides for which events it shall appoint the jury.
If the IOF is not appointing the jury, the federation of the organiser
shall appoint the jury.
29.3 The jury shall consist of 3 or 5 voting members from different
federations. The IOF Controller shall lead the jury but has no vote.
29.4 A representative of the organiser has the right to participate in
the jury meetings but has no vote.
29.5 At least one jury member shall be present at all major activities
during the event.
29.6 The organiser shall act according to the jury's decision, eg. to
reinstate a competitor disqualified by the organiser, to disqualify a
competitor approved by the organiser, to void the results in a class
approved by the organiser or to approve results declared invalid by
the organiser.
29.7 The jury is competent to rule only if all members are present. In
urgent cases preliminary decisions may be taken if a majority of the jury
members agree on the decision.
29.8 If a jury member declares him- or herself prejudiced or if a jury
member is unable to fulfil his or her task, the IOF Controller shall
nominate a substitute.
29.9 Arising from its ruling on a protest, the jury-in addition to
instructing the organiser-may recommend that the IOF Council excludes a
person from some or all future IOF events in the case of a major violation
of the rules.
29.10 Decisions of the jury are final.
29.11 The jury shall consist of 3 members. Two members are appointed by
the IOF Council ,and one member is appointed by the federation of
the organiser.
30. Appeals
30.1 An appeal may be made against infringements of these rules, if the
infringement is not related to a specific event or if a jury is not
yet set up.
30.2 An appeal may be made by team officials, competitors, event
officials or federations.
30.3 Any appeal shall be made in writing to the IOF Secretariat as soon
as possible.
30.4 There is no fee for an appeal.
30.5 Decisions about an appeal are final.
31. Event control
31.1 All events for which these rules are binding shall be controlled by
an IOF Controller. The IOF Controller shall be appointed within 3 months
of the appointment of an organiser.
31.2 The IOF Council shall decide for which events it will itself
appoint the IOF Controller.
31.3 If the IOF Controller is appointed by the IOF, he or she is the
official representative of the IOF to the organiser, is subordinate to the
IOF Council and communicates with the IOF Secretariat.
31.4 The federation of the organiser shall always appoint a controller.
This controller shall assist the IOF Controller appointed by the IOF. If
the IOF does not appoint an IOF Controller for the event in question, the
controller appointed by the federation will be the IOF Controller. The
controller appointed by the federation need not come from the same
31.5 All IOF Controllers shall hold the IOF Controller's licence. No IOF
Controller or IOF Controller's Assistant may have any responsibility
for a participating team.
31.6 The IOF Controller shall ensure that rules are followed, mistakes
are avoided and that fairness is paramount. The IOF
Controller has the authority to require adjustments to be made if he or she
deems them necessary to satisfy the requirements of the event.
31.7 The IOF Controller shall work in close collaboration with the
organiser, and shall be given all relevant information. All official
information sent to the federations, or clubs, such as bulletins, shall be
approved by the IOF Controller.
31.8 As a minimum, the following tasks shall be carried out under the
authority of the IOF Controller:
* to approve the venue and the terrain for the event, including
reserve area
* to look into the event organisation and assess the suitability of
the proposed accommodation, food,
* transport, programme, budget, and training possibilities
* to assess any planned ceremonies
* to approve the organisation and layout of start, finish and
changeover areas
* to assess the reliability and accuracy of the time-keeping and
results producing systems
* to check that the map conforms with the IOF standards
* to approve the courses after assessing their quality, including
degree of difficulty, control sitings and equipment, chance factors
and map correctness
* to check any course splitting method and course combinations
* to assess arrangements and facilities for the media
* to assess arrangements and facilities for doping tests
31.9 The IOF Controller shall make as many controlling visits as he or
she deems necessary. The visits shall be planned in agreement with the
appointing authority and the organiser. Immediately after each visit, the
IOF Controller shall send a brief, written report to the appointing body
with a copy to the organiser.
31.10 One or more assistant(s) may be appointed by the IOF
Controller appointing body to help the IOF Controller, particularly in the
fields of mapping, courses, financing, sponsoring and media.
31.10 The IOF Controller for an MTB-O WOC event shall make 3 visits as a
minimum, one at an early stage, one a year before the championships
and one 3-4 months before the championships.
32. Event reports
32.1 No more than 4 weeks after the event, the organiser shall submit a
report to the IOF Controller with:
* complete result lists
* three copies of each map with course details
* comments about the event
32.2 No more than 4 weeks after the event, the IOF Controller shall send
a report to the IOF controller appointing body.
32.3 Upon receipt, the IOF Controller shall forward the report of the
organiser and two sets of maps
with course details to the IOF.
32.4 One copy of every bulletin, the final programme including start
lists, a plan of the organisation and a final statement of the accounts
shall be sent to the IOF Secretariat for the archives no more than 6 months
after the event.
33. Advertising and sponsorship
33.1 Advertising of tobacco and hard liquor is not permitted.
33.2 The IOF Council may issue specific rules for advertising and
sponsorship-see Appendix 4.
34. Media service
34.1 The organiser shall offer the media representatives attractive
working conditions and favourable opportunities to observe
and report on the event.
34.2 As a minimum, the organiser shall make available to media
representatives the following:
* hotel accommodation of medium standard, to be paid for by the users
* start lists, programme booklet and other information on the day
prior to the competition
* opportunity to take part in the model event
* weather-protected, quiet working space with necessary equipment in
the finish area
* result lists and maps with courses immediately after the competition
* telephone and fax for international connections, preferably in the
finish area, to be paid for by the users.
34.3 The organiser shall make every effort to maximise media coverage as
long as this does not jeopardise the fairness of the event.
Appendix 1: General competition guidelines
To be developed
Appendix 2: Agenda for team officials' meeting
As much information as possible should be put in Bulletin 4, leaving the
minimum of information to be transmitted verbally at the team officials'
1 Opening
2 Roll-call
* max two representatives per federation
3 Presentation of officials
* Organiser's officials
* Jury members
4 Time schedule
* If not according to programme
5 Transport to competition centre
6 Competition centre (overhead map)
* Parking
* Change facilities and showers
* Secure cycle storage arrangements
* Bike wash facilities
* Workshop facilities
* Pre-start
* Prohibited areas
7 Equipment controls in terrain
* Common or separate controls, W/M
* Kms of course length
* Team bags to be delivered: where, when
8 Courses
* Length ( shortest sensible route choice)
* Number of controls
* Intermediate times (kms of course length)
* Total climb
* Estimated winning times
* Refreshment controls, (kms of course length
9 Map Type
* MTB-O O or Foot O
* Scale and contour interval
* Size, trimmed down
* Special symbols
* When are they returned?
10 Control card
* Application example
* Only control cards handed out from the organiser are allowed!
11 Start procedure (overhead map)
* Start method
* Starting commands
* Taking maps, when?
* Distance time start to start point
12 Map change procedure (overhead map)
* Marking of maps
* Handing in used maps
* Taking new map
13 Start draw
* Latest time for handing in form with allocation to starting groups:
where, when?
14 Closing
Appendix 3: Approved control cards and marking devices
[Competition Rule 20.1 states that 'Only IOF approved control cards and
marking devices may be used'.]
* The only automatically approved control registering systems are the
traditional pin punch and control card system, the Emit Electronic
Punching and Timing system and the Sport Ident Electronic Punching and
Timing system.
* With respect to the traditional system of punching, the
non-electronic control card must satisfy the following specifications:
* it must be made of material resistant to water tearing, and not
exceed 10 cm x 21 cm in size
* each punch box must have a minimum side length of 18 mm
* three boxes must be clearly marked as reserve boxes
* With respect to the Emit system, the label attached to the
competitor's electronic control card for back- up marking must be such
that it will survive the conditions likely to be encountered during a
competition (including immersion in water).
* With respect to the Sport Ident system, some form of backup must be
provided in case of the failure of a single control unit. This could be
a second control unit or a pin punch
* The use of any other control registering system requires prior
approval of the IOF Event Standards Committee
Appendix 4: Specific rules for advertising and sponsorship
[Competition rule 33.2 states that 'The IOF Council may issue specific
rules for advertising and sponsorship'.]
For MTB-O WOC events:
* The name Mountainbike Orienteering Championships (MTB-O WOC) shall
in no way be associated with advertising companies or other sponsors of
the events.
* All official ceremonies such as the opening ceremony, prize-giving
ceremonies and the closing ceremony shall not be designed to
unduly promote advertisers or sponsors.
Start and finish banners shall be designed to allow no more than
40% of their area for advertising.
* Start number bibs shall be designed to allow no more than 30% of
their area for advertising.
The legibility of the start numbers shall not be disrupted by the
design of the bib.
* Advertising on track suits or other clothing which are worn by team
members during the official ceremonies shall not exceed 200 sq
cm. There is no restriction to the amount of advertising on the
competitors' competition clothing or equipment except for the start
number bibs.
Appendix 5: Recommended additional literature
If not otherwise mentioned, these documents are available from the IOF
* International Specification for Orienteering Maps
* International Specification for MTB-O Maps
* IOF Anti-Doping rules
* IOF Specific Rules for Advertising and Sponsorship
* Media Coverage and Orienteering
* IOF Statutes
Please note that the competitions shall be organised according to the
Competition Rules For IOF MTB-O Events and that Guidelines should be
considered only as an aid.
Appendix 6: World Cup scoring system
A percentage time system is being developed.
Appendix 7: MTB-O Maps
1. Scale
The map scale for classic MTB-O or score events should normally be 1:15.000
or 1:20.000.
Longer duration (for example 5 hour score or "Trailquest") events may use
scales of 1:25.000 or 1:50.000 if appropriate and agreed by the event
2. Map Design
Maps drawn specifically for MTB-O events are encouraged.
Overprinted foot orienteering maps are also acceptable.
Other maps at the discretion of the event controller.
3. Map Symbols
The normal orienteering symbols should be used.
All point features close to the path should be depicted.
To avoid clutter, other symbols should only be used where they assist
navigation and are visible from the path.
4. Path Depiction
Paths should be depicted according to the quality of the track surface and
its width.
The codes will be based on the following format:
Path mm* Code Description
_________ 0.6 801 Excellent track surface and wide track
_________ 0.35 802 Good path
4.0 1.5 4.0 0.6 803 Wide track with moderate* cyclability
4.0 1.5 4.0 0.35 804 Narrow path with moderate* cyclability
2.0 1.5 2.0 0.6 805 Wide track with poor** cyclability
- 1.5 - 1.5 - 806 Narrow path with poor** cyclability
* "Moderate" means: virtually the full length of the path can be ridden by
a skilled rider.
** "Poor" means: skilled riders may need to push or carry the bike over a
considerable length of the path.
Line thickness presented on the map should indicate the following path widths:
0.6mm for tracks 1.50 m wide or more
0.35mm for path widths of less than 1.50m.
5. Modification of Foot O Maps
I t may be advisable to modify foot orienteering maps in the following
a. overprint with a solid green lineif the surface of the path is better
than depicted on the map
b. overprint with a line of green dots if the surface of the path is worse
than depicted on the map
c. overprint with a broken line (dashes) if the cyclability is slow or
fairly difficult.
d. overprint with a series of xxxx if the path is out of bounds.
6. Availability and Inspection of Maps
Maps (without control sites) should be available for inspection prior to
the start.
Standard and any non standard symbols used should be available before the
start,, and on the legend of the map.
7 - Terrain suitable for Mapping
The area used should have a network of paths of varying widths and
surfaces, and should be dense enough to provide a reasonable amount of
route choice.
Appendix 8 Environmental Mandate
The IOF MTB-O Committee will:
1. Strive to apply the principles of sustainable use, to meet the needs of
the present, without compromising the needs of future generations.
2. Aim to achieve the highest environment standards in the organisation of
events, through informing and educating both organisers and competitors.
3. Aim to minimise both the use and the waste of materials, using renewable
or recycled materials when appropriate.
4. Be committed to consulting with, and respect the wishes of the rural
community in whose areas we hold events.
5. Take into account public transport links when locating event centres,
and encourage car sharing by competitors.
6. Assess on a continuous basis, the environmental impact of MTB-O
activities on the countryside, and adopt systems and techniques which will
minimise or eliminate any unacceptable adverse impacts.
7. Identify and avoid if possible sensitive habitats through discussion
with landowners and environmental agencies.
Appendix 9: Criteria for Selection of Host Country for MTB-O WOC events
1. The MTB-O /WOC will not normally be allocated to the country organising
the previous MTB-O /WOC.
2. The applying National Federation must have organised a successful World
Cup event, and have experience of organising National Championships over at
least two years.
3. A minimum of four good quality maps with a good density and variety of
trails must be available or planned, which should be within reasonable
distance of the event centre.
4. Provision of a suitable Event Centre is essential- preferably a Sports
5. The event centre should be a maximum of 200km from the nearest
international airport.
6. Accommodation should be conveniently available for 500 persons, ranging
from hotels to camping.
7. The MTB-O/WOC will allocated on the basis that the event will be
expected to rotate around all continents of the world.
8. Preferred dates, reflecting appropriate seasons, should be stated by the
applying Federation.
9. Dates should not be in conflict with those of the Olympic Games.
10. The level of IOF levy set should reflect the developing nature of the
discipline, and the financial strength of the budget within each
federation's bid.
Colin Palmer. October 1999
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