One of the sub-branches of orienteering which is growing quickly MTBO will reach new highs with an ANZ challenge this September. This weekend is targeted at those riders preparing for this...and those who want to learn more about this fun new sport and perhaps apply their footO skills to the bike.
This weekend is heavily subsidised by the NZOF and is a service provided for YOU the NZOF member..give it a go The camp will be run by NZOF senior coach Andy Clayton. Andy is a very experienced coach and outdoors leader...this weekend will be great value for your map reading skills.
SOUTHERN TRAVERSE COMPETITORS, want to learn more about navigating on the bike??? Sick of getting lost and even more tired...give this a go.
Contact Andy at or (03) 3157383 for further information.
This page was written by Jamie Stewart and installed on 1 Aug 03.