Being unofficial, the rules will be fairly fluid until the last minute, negotiated between Sydney's Mountain Devils MTBO Club founder Lynn Dabbs and HVOC's Michael Wood for NZ. It has been proposed that we run this in 3 classes: men, women, and vets, but it will depend on both Australia and NZ nominating riders who will be at the foot-orienteering series of events or in NZ's case who live nearby. Locals who are not "selected" may ride the course after the "team" members.
A single course of 8km has been planned on the "Sandy Trax" map with a winning time of about 30min for open men, but due to the flat terrain the others won't be very much slower. While this is ultra-short in MTB terms, the track network is very detailed and split-second decisions will be required. As kiwis have seen the map before, maps without the course on will be available beforehand, with the real thing handed out on the start line.
The MTBO will start close to the event centre for the short-distance race in the Australia-NZ Challenge series. This will be signposted from the Waitarare Beach village into the north block of Waitarere Forest. The date is Thursday 17th Jan, starting from about 1pm, this will be in the period when the foot-orienteering results are going up and runners are waiting for the prizegiving for the series of events. Entry fee $10/$5 juniors payable to Michael Wood on the day. The phone is the best way to make any enquiries, the number is 04 566 2645.
This page was compiled by
Michael Wood,
and was installed on 10 Jan 02
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