The people behind the club are you and me! HVOC is small enough to get to know
everyone, but that means you can't avoid helping with the workload. Never mind, there
are lots of jobs that are really fun! Everyone is able to take a
turn at the on-the-day jobs, such as start, finish and registration.
We hope some will be interested enough to progress to course planning, event organisation
and map-making. Others are needed to keep the club machinery ticking over.
We used to make ambitious plans to run 2 or 3 regional or
national events each year, plus small local events for newcomers and those with
less time. It was always a struggle to to staff these events, and the poor old
committee often ended up filling the gaps. Eventually at the 1997 AGM someone said,
"this isn't fun, let's wind up the club!"
The resulting SGM didn't take that road, but it did decide
that we would only put events onto the calendar after members had put their
hands up to organise.
Since then the hands that have gone up have mostly been for small close-to-home
events: park events, street events, MTB-orienteering and rogaines. But there have
been offers to run bigger events, and since the crisis we have run an OY, the Area Relays,
and the NZ Secondary School Champs. Instead of measuring our success by the number of
events, our objective is to maximise the enjoyment of belonging to HVOC.
So you get the events that people feel like putting on. Each year the programme coordinator
sends round a list of the types of event we could possibly run, and the maps we have
to use, and invites hands to go up. The programme is made from there. If someone has to pull
out, we don't lose any sleep over it, we just pull the event off the calendar. We are
lucky that we have other clubs in the area whose events we can go to.
The following words were written in the "old days" before the crisis and with
biggish events in mind, so they need to be taken with a grain of salt these days.
The course planner and controller have worked long and hard before the day to provide the
courses, so on the day help is organised bv an Event Coordinator. This person sees to the
tents and signs, and supervises members rostered to run the day. There are generally
two "shifts" of helpers to enable you to have a run as well. If you are a helper you need
to be ready at the first start time, either to help early and run later, or to run early.
If you are interested in planning a course or helping with map-making, there are
experienced club members who will gladly help you. Talk to the Programme Coordinator
(for planning) or the Mapping Coordinator.
We are always seeking new areas to orienteer on, and have resigned ourselves to the fact that
there is little suitable forest in the Wellington area. If you know of a suitable farm or
better still if you know the farmer, please check it out on foot and let the Mapping
Coordinator know. A top-class area is several hundred hectares, not too steep, and with
as few owners as possible. But we have learnt how to have fun on 10-50 hectares, that's
less than a square kilometre.
Members are encouraged to keep local noticeboards supplied with information of the next
event, eg. in your workplace or library. You can get posters from the Publicity Officer,
or make your own from the information in Punch or on the website.
There is also a whole-year brief listing on the website.
However the most effective form of recruitment is personal contact with your friends,
family and workmates. Remember that potential members don't have to live in the
Valley - we have members from all over the region!
The club machinery is oiled by a committee elected at the AGM. Meetings are held
every second month, with a less formal one in between, and all members are welcome
to attend. Each committee member has an area to look after; but
many of the ongoing jobs can be handled without being on the committee. The current
positions and names are on the About the Club page
on the website.
Here are the committee and other positions we had in the "good old days":
- Chairman.
Runs committee and general meetings, finds people to fill all the other jobs
- Secretary.
Minutes, correspondence and all that stuff. If you want to know where to find
something or who to ask, go to the secretary.
- Treasurer.
Looks after the club accounts. If you have spent money doing something for the club,
give the details to the treasurer.
- Programme Coordinator.
Sends round the "hands up" list and massages the result into an event programme;
obtains permission for the resulting events, prepares info for the club website and
the rest of the area via the area Fixtures Officer. He doesn't sort out on-the-day
helpers, that's up to the key organisers.
- Mapping Coordinator
Organises the work that is needed to find, fieldwork, draw and print orienteering
maps. There's a subsidiary position which may or may not be the same person, that of
looking after the master computer files for those maps on computer.
- Map Stockist
If you want maps for an event you are organising, ask the Map Stockist first.
Our early maps were printed in huge numbers due to the technology of the time and we
still have stocks on the shelf. And even with short-run printing these days there are
leftover maps which we should use up if possible.
- Equipment Officer.
In charge of the club gear, including trailer, tents, controls, and various consumables
like cards and plastic bags. It usually though not necessarily lives at this person's
place. Club equipment is available for loan to members or community groups wishing to
run orienteering, eg. scouts or school camps. The basis is to return promptly, replace
anvthing lost or damaged, and pay by donation.
- Club Captain
Makes members feel wanted! Welcomes new members, makes presentations where appropriate,
writes news for the website and subsequently the newsletter, organises relay teams, etc.
Promotes club spirit through uniforms, travel and accommodation sharing,
HVOC gathering place at away events.
- Publicity Officer
Arranges publicity for events. Avenues include the newsletter for members, to radio,
newspapers and outdoor shops to attract non-members. Supplies brochures and posters
for you to use.
- Promotions Officer
Promoting the sport can take many forms, including newcomer follow-up, ensuring novice
courses are easy enough, and helping other groups to run orienteering as part of their
- Newsletter Distributor and Membership Secretary
Speeds the monthly magazines to you (the national magazine is posted direct).
Let the Membership Secretary know if you change your address.
- Training Officer
Provides help for members to increase their enjoyment bv improving their orienteering.
Runs activities within the club and knows about things happening further afield.
The club sends representatives to the Wellington Orienteering Association (WOA) which
coordinates events in the area as far as Palmerston North and Hawkes Bay,
including the "Orienteer of the Year" series.
HVOC is also a member of the New Zealand Orienteering Federation
(NZOF), which similarly coordinates national level events such as the National
Championships (Easter) and the 18-monthly Australia-New Zealand Challenge.
NZOF is in turn a member of the International Orienteering Federation (IOF).
The IOF does a lot of work to standardise orienteering mapping so you can orienteer
all around the world, and it sends "missionaries" to help orienteering get started
in new countries. It also coordinates international fixtures such as the World
Orienteering Championships held in every odd-numbered year, and the World Cup
Orienteering series held in the even years.
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