Hutt Valley Summer Orienteering Series 2003 Results
Abbrevs: HV=Orienteering Hutt Valley W=Wellington Orienteering Club AO=Abominable
O-Men (Canberra) SWE=Sweden. Other affiliations are schools.
Hutt Valley High School 13 March 2003
White 1.2km
1 Kate Rea 0:06:30 2nd Course
2 Rochelle Chilton 0:10:43
3 Amy Lewis 0:11:54
4 Heather Lewis 0:12:30
5 Emma Price 0:13:36
6 Lillian Jackson 00:18:12
7 Peter van Ooesteron HV 0:18:35
8 Juie and Guy 0:30:00
Yellow 3.0km
Kate Rea HV 0:23:00
Nicloe van O HV 0:25:43
Monique Peck Chilton 0:26:30
Tony van Dyk HV 0:28:36
Joshua Phillips St Pats 0:33:38
Sam Turner 0:50:00
Jordan Turner St Pats 0:54:30
Melanie Paulin 0:57:14
2km + Yellow
1 William Power W 0:34:19
2 Jess Young 0:37:52
3 Nic Gorman HV 0:40:05
4 Bruce Henderson HV 00:45:00
5 Sarah Underwood W 0:52:50 Had a chat with a friend at the last control
6 Kirsty Turner Marsden 0:54:25
7 Phillipa Henderson HV 0:24:00 Streets Only
5km + Yellow
1 Paul Clarke 00:51:16
2 Bruce Worsley HV 1:47:58
3 Paul Dalebrox finishing time was 5:10:35
4 Katie Scott HV 0:55:20 Streets Only
5 Jason van Dyk HV DNF
8km + Yellow
1 Alan Horn W 1:15:33
Course Planner Peter Bakos. Helpers Owen McCarthy and James Scott
St Pats College, Tue 25 Feb 03
White Course 1.2km on college map
- Nicholas O'Kane, St Pats, 8-20
- Joshua Phillips, 9-12
- Rochelle Peck, Chilton, 10-19
- Tom Smith, St Pats, 11-28
- Michael Herder, St Pats, 11-28
- Jordan Turner, 11-30
- Luke Cornwall, St Pats, 12-30
- Justine Lord, Chilton, 13-44
- Melanie Paulin, Home Schoolers, 14-36
- Lucy Gijsbers, 14-50
- Amy Lewis, Home Schoolers, 15-08
- Jason Cole, 16-44
- Peter van Oosterom, 17-15
- Sam Blackburn, 18-22
- Lillian Jackson, Chilton, 18-43
- Rob and Mic, St Pats, 21-30
- Lisa Chui, 25-06
Yellow Course 2.2km on college map
- Kate Rea, Chilton/HV, 15-32
- Jess Young, Chilton/HV, 15-40
- David Knowles, St Pats/HV, 17-12
- Nicole van Oosterom, 17-20
- Tony van Dyk, HV, 18-57
- Joshua Phillips, St Pats, 19-31
- Michael Herder, St Pats, 20-00
- Tom Smith, St Pats, 20-00
- Stephen Knowles, HV, 22-23
- Monique Peck, Chilton, 23-03
- Nicholas O'Kane, St Pats, 25-08
- Luke Cornwall, St Pats, 25-29
- Jason Cole and Neal, 29-49
- Lucy Gijsbers, 37-22
- Lisa Chui, 38-04
- Heather Lewis, Home Schoolers, 43-17
- Melanie Paulin, Home Schoolers, 50-17
Dainty-Foot Course, 4 out of 15 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 6km
- Dorothy Kane, W, 47-27 (10, 11, 22, 24)
- Katie Scott, Chilton/HV, DNF
Mid-Foot Course, 8 out of 15 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 9km
- Malcolm Ingham, W, 45-37 (24, 22, 21, 18, 17, 15, 11, 10)
- Geoff Lawford, AO, 49-09 (24, 23, 22, 20, 19, 21, 11, 10)
- Gillian Ingham, W, 51-35 (10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24)
- Dave King, HV, 52-05 (24, 23, 22, 20, 19, 18, 21, 10)
- William Power, W, 55-08 (not nec this order, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24)
- Alan Horn, W, 55-16 (24, 22, 21, 18, 17, 15, 11, 10)
- Neil Kane, W, 65-08 (12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 11, 10)
- Jason van Dyk, HV, 65-58 (21, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24)
- Sarah Underwood, W, 70-30 (not nec this order, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24)
- Magdalena Danielsson, SWE, 7 controls, 57-03 (24, 23, 22, 20, 19, 21, 10)
Big Foot Course, 12 out of 15 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 9km
- Mattias Balck, SWE, 68-48 (10, 11, 21, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24)
Bike Course, 15 out of 15 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 15km
- No takers
Course Planner Gavin Scott,
helpers James Scott, Michael Wood.
Naenae College, Thu 13 Feb 03
White Course 800m on college map
- Peter van Oosterom, 11-31
- Nicola Whale, Newlands, 13-15
- Siobhan Clarke, Newlands, 13-15
- Justine Lord, Chilton, 15-40
- Rochelle Peck, Chilton, 17-13
- Adele, first time, 17-20
- Lucy Dement, 17-11
- Emma Dement, 17-52
Yellow Course 1.8km on college map
- Monique Peck, Chilton, 10-31
- Kate Rea, Chilton/HV
- Stephen Knowles, HV, 13-58
- Nicola Whale, Newlands, 16-39
- Siobhan Clarke, Newlands, 16-39
- Philippa Richards, Raroa/W, 17-01
- Lucy Dement, 30-57
- Gordon Somerville, W, time not recrdd
- Jesssica Young, Chilton/HV, no card
- Bernie and Rudi Proctor, no card for you either
Ultra-Short Combo Course, 5 out of 20 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 5km
- Hayden Richards, Newlands?, 35-24
- Ashley Colebrooke, Newlands?, 36-16
- Adam Wild, Newlands?, 41-40
- Nicholas Chong, Newlands?, 43-40
- Katie Scott, Chilton/HV, 54-04
Short Combo Course, 8 out of 20 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 7km
- Richard Glover, HIBS/W, 45-08
- Jason van Dyk, HV, 45-22
- David Knowles, St Pats/HV, 60-38
- Bruce Worsley, HV, second time orienteering, 71-24
- Williamson pair, first time orienteering, 73-03
Medium Combo Course, 10 out of 20 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 9km
- Andrew Whiteford, Newlands/W, 57-40
- William Power, W, 57-49
- Seamus Johnson, Newlands, 58-22
- Peter Bakos, HV, 60-24
- Ross Colebrook, Newlands, 62-41
- Sarah Underwood, W, 66-52
Long Combo Course, 15 out of 20 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 12km
- Paul Clarke, W, 74-46
Course Planner David McCarthy,
helpers Owen McCarthy, Dave King, James Scott, Michael Wood.
Harcourt Park 28 Jan 03
Correction made 30 Jan, Kate Rea was on Mid-Foot course.
White Course 1.2km on park map
- Bruce Worsley, HV, 10-29 (first time orienteering!)
- Stephen Knowles, HV, 12-27 (also first time, well done!)
Yellow Course 1.8km on park map
- Thomas Robinson, HV, 14-13
- Tony van Dyk, HV, 17-23
- Bruce Worsley, HV, 21-06
Dainty-Foot Course, 4 out of 15 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 5.5km
- Jessica Young, Chilton/HV, 52-20
Mid-Foot Course, 8 out of 15 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 8km
- William Power, W, 55-14
- Jason van Dyk, HV, 62-29
- Sarah Underwood, W, 66-13
- David McCarthy, St Pats/HV, 66-14
- Kate Rea, Chilton/HV, 68-39
- David Knowles, St Pats/HV, 73-00
Big-Foot Course, 12 out of 15 controls on urban map followed by yellow course, total approx 12km
- Andrew McCarthy, HV, 63-45
- Dave King, HV, 75-00
- James Scott, HV, 79-31
- Alan Horn, W, 79-37
Course Planner Michael Wood,
helpers Tony and Jason van Dyk.
This page was installed by Michael Wood,
of the Hutt Valley Orienteering Club.
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