Quattr-O Street Series
Quattr-O Street Event, St Okes map, Lower Hutt, 26 September 99
- A Course, any 12 out of 15 controls
- Glenys Evans W 140.44
- Bill Lowrie W 154.52
- B Course, any 9 out of 15 controls
- Andrew Lowrie 91.50
- C Course, any 7 out of 15 controls
- Dave Glover W 53.55
- Jennifer King HV 71.24
- Brenda Johnston W 103.45
- D Course, any 5 out of 15 controls
- Angela Erasmuson HV 55.30
- Michael Cunningham HIBS 56.17
- Richard Glover W 56.17
- Fiona Erasmuson HV 57.02
- A course, any 12 out of 15 controls
- Steven Knowles 58.46
- Chris Holden W 77-30
- Tony Burge W 81.52
- B course, any 9 out of 15 controls
- Royce Johnston W 41.47
- Conrad King HV 44.59
- Brian Craig KH 45.18
- Peter Bakos HV 51.10
- Philip Calvert HV 56.20
- Kieran Johnston W 57.56
- Anton Erasmuson HV 60.59
- C course, any 7 out of 15 controls
- Mark Arthur HV 33.17
- Lynn Glover W 38.02
- Philippa Henderson HV 50.52
- Bronwyn Erasmuson HV 53.05
- Victoria Glover (rollers) W 58.05
- Gary Holden W 66.40
- D course, any 5 out of 15 controls
- Melanie Johnston W 33.28
- Elizabeth Milne Seatoun 75.50
- A Course, any 12 out of 15 controls
- Christine and John de Roo (tandem) 47.37
- Steve Holden W 50.27
- Julian Cox W 57.43
- Graeme Silcock 60.37
- Allan Ainsworth HVHS 83.00
- Dave Ainsworth 83.00
This page was written by
Philip Calvert,
and was installed on 22 Oct 99.
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