Pencarrow Lakes Rogaine
Saturday 20th December 2008
Burn off a few calories that you will be storing up on those Christmas parties, by coming along to the OHV Christmas Rogaine at Pencarrow Lakes. ***NBB Look who's coming, entries as at 18 Dec! ***NB Scoring method for bikers changed 5 Dec!
And this event promises to be different…
- The area is new – never been used before for rogaining or orienteering or mountain biking orienteering.
- Entry to the event is FREE. We will be following the event with a BBQ on the beach – for which there is a small charge of $10 per person.
- The rogaine is split into two parts. The first part involves a bike ride of about 6km along the coast road to the Lakes Block of the East Harbour Regional Park, collecting controls along the way. This road is closed to vehicle traffic with the exception of 4 vehicles per day. The road is made of compacted gravel suitable for mountain bikes but not skinny wheeled road bikes. Depending on wind and ability it should take 15-30 mins to ride down to the Lakes (plus any time to collect controls).
- The second part is in the Lakes Block of the East Harbour Regional Park. A relatively compact area of farmland and regenerating bush. There are three ridge systems up to 182m with two stream systems in between. There are also a number of old farm tracks that have been upgraded and expanded to accommodate mountain bikes.
- The area was farmed but now being part of the park is reverting to native scrub with patches of gorse. Many of the spurs and gullies are navigable by foot and some by bike. The lakes and swamps are not navigable by foot or bike!
- This topo map shows the Lakes area - Field work is being undertaken to completely update the map, and convert it to our own unique OHV map.
- This is a rogaine, set up for teams of between 2-5 people. However given the location and event I will allow solo entrants. If you do enter as a solo your score will be subject to a 10% penalty.
- The day will go something like this:
- Register and receive maps for part one from 1pm, at Burdens Gate at the south end of Eastbourne
- Start at 2pm …collect controls en route to the Lakes
- When you arrive at the “Lakes Marshalling area” you will be given the second map which will contain the “main event” . This is decision time….no specific planning time, you can go as soon as you receive the map. But you can choose to do this part of the map on your bike or on foot. If you take your bike there is a 10% points penalty. If you go on foot, you must leave your bike in the marshalling area (complete with security guard).
- Note that not all the controls will be on the tracks…some may be in gullies or spurs that will require somewhere between a 1 and 7 min walk to get to.
- The event finishes at 6pm back at Burdens Gate.
- Followed by a BBQ on the beach. The budget does not extend to alcohol…so you may want to join the festive spirit by bringing your own.
Please reserve your map by emailing your details to
Details being: Team name, participants names and a team cell phone number.
Summary information:
- Start finish area is at Burdens Gate, which is the end of the road south of Eastbourne. We will set up a couple of tents on the beach next to the large carpark.
- Registration and maps for part one are available from 1pm.
Start will be at 2pm and Finish at 6pm.
Entry is FREE!!!
- The event will be followed by a BBQ on the beach, for which there is a charge of $10 per person payable at the BBQ.
- Normal rogaine rules apply. Ring me if you have any questions.
Mike Sheridan, Phone 562 8839