Laura Robertson could in theory be overtaken by Emily Dinsdale for W14, but the orienteer who beat the best that Australia could put up has taken on the red challenge and moved to W16. Jessica Young could theoretically overtake Claire Dinsdale for the W18 win, but it is a regrettable fact that exam and other commitments at this time of year may determine the outcome; at any rate Jess will be at least second. Her colleague Kate Rea though more experienced has even fewer results on the board through overseas trips and head-girl demands.
President Peter has to somehow shut out WOC's William Power for a shot at second place in M21AS; otherwise he is secure in third. James Scott has an outside chance of passing Bruce Dryden (also WOC) in M50, but its more likely to be a tussle with Russell Higham (RK) for second. Bruce Henderson and Gavin Scott will probably follow up. In W50 Allison Basire is fighting Philippa Henderson for third spot, with Allison just 0.5 ahead.
And in the Mens Open B Tony van Dyk is third but like the title it's wide open for second place. While Lynette Porter similarly placed in the Womens Open B could even reach the top, so too could others. The final is at Kaikokopu on 12 Nov.
Full results table on the WOA website.