Riders Make Plans for 2005

After extending the MTBO programme in 2004, Orienteering Hutt Valley riders meeting last night made plans for even more next year. Subject to hands going up to organise, events will be run on the third Saturday of the month from March to October. With the possibility of a long-distance saga-type event in November.

The question of avoiding winter conditions was considered and rejected; the months of December, January and February have too many alternative demands, and a two-part season was not favoured. Areas more suitable in wet conditions could be scheduled for winter. But the following suggestions were endorsed.

The draft programme is as follows:
Date Venue Planner 1 Planner 2
19 Mar Tunnel Gully    
16 Apr Maungakotukutuku Steve Meeres  
21 May Long Gully Steve Betts Mike Dalton
18 Jun Belmont Reg Pk Tom Clarkson  
16 Jul Waitarere    
20 Aug St Pats Forest Graeme Silcock  
17 Sep Mt Vic (Series end) Jill Ford Jenny Visser
15/16 Oct Ngaumu Forest (Champs)    

If you are interested in co-organising any of these, please contact OHV Programme Coordinator Ph 04 566 2645.

PLUS the long-talked-of northern version of the Cyclic Saga may kick off in November. Talk of a mega-score event in the Akatarawa Forest has been spurred by getting the contours into the computer. The topo map (as used in Canterbury) is woefully inadequate, and we need to have a map we can change. Thinking is for a one-day event initially. Draft date is 19 November, but it will be necessary to coordinate with the club's rogainers and adventure racers who would be interested; this was the time of the Southern Traverse this year.

There's a huge job exploring the area. It looks like plenty of time, but experience suggests that unless exploration is done progressively over the first half of the year the date will rush up on us and the job will become impossible. Explorers should approach Michael to obtain a basemap and instructions on how to classify tracks.

There is no news of a NZ Champs in 2005 yet, we may have to adjust our programme to suit. But another club in the area, Palmerston's Red Kiwis is planning a MTB-Rogaine (long score event) in Santoft Forest near Bulls on 3 July. It will be great to have another club contributing to events in the area.

This page was installed by of Orienteering Hutt Valley on 17 Dec 04.
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