Wellington Shoestring Rogaine Results
Eaastbourne, 13 Nov 03
Course Planner Mike Sheridan,
assisted by Greg Thurlow. Time 3hrs, a little over 50% dark,
weather warm and dry first two thirds, rain last hour, max score 1260
max elevation range 340m.
Winner's route: South via harbourside and 46 to 92 at Camp Bay; back to the bus barn
and uphill to 24, 34, via 45 to 50 in Butterfly Creek, via 25 to 80 and 33 on ridge
between Butterfly and Gollans, dark around here, 51 and 81 in upper Butterfly, passed
up on 44 (clearing) and 32 (pine tree on ridge) but time to get 52, 93 and 22 on the flat
with 2 minutes to spare.
Runner-up route: North via 22 to 93 on Days Bay wharf, up to main ridge via 20 and 30,
via 31 to 90 on Gollans Stream and back up via 41, out and back to 82, south of Hawtrey
meant to get 42 but like others found themselves heading for 44 (the clearing), 81 in
upper Butterfly, dark now, couldn't find 43, picked up track and via 50 and 45 out to
civilisation, 46 and home, three minutes to spare.
- Dave King and Mark Hearfield, 690
- Andrew McCarthy and James Bradshaw, 650
- Paul Billinghurst, James Ivey, Nic Blair, 580
- Mick Finn and Ian Bowie, 560
- Nick Warren, Michael Murphy, Hamish Bun, 610-50=560
- Fiona Clendon, 570-20=550
- Allan Stowell and Pete Jeromson, 540
- Ben Clendon and Ritchie, 500
- Tony Brindle, 510-10=500
- Dan Rhodes and Rachel Dawber, 480
- Gillian Ingham and Malcolm Ingham, 480
- Simon Faulkner and Pete Armstrong, 470
- Michael Wood, 440
- Colin Slatter, Dave Budge, Liam, 430
- Al Cross, Bill Martell, Nigel Cory, 510-80=430
- Darren Cooke, Bruce Clulow, Jeff McDonnell, 400
- John Veal and Jo Holden, 380
- Andrew Shelley and Jan Bliekendaal, 360
- Wiliam Power, 350
- Sue Eastwood and Graeme Silcock, 300
- Katie van Dam and Serge van Dam, 290
- Oliver Martin, Rickie Bear, Hamish Wilkie, 290
This page was installed by Michael Wood,
of the Hutt Valley Orienteering Club.
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