Red Long Malcom Ingham 0:57:54 Gillian Ingham 1:05:40 G Crawford 1:07:20 Steve Holden 1:08:49 Tony Nixon 1:10:23 Neil Kane 1:10:35 Alan Horn 1:11:08 Julian Cox 1:14:26 Alex Hood 1:15:10 Janet Dobbie 1:27:31 Alan Lowrie 1:28:15 Brian Craig 1:33:45 Chris Ingham DNF Red Medium S Faulkner 0:50:46 Hub Carter 0:55:00 Lyn Stichbury 0:55:17 Victoria Glover 0:59:31 William Power 1:00:04 Gerry Tooman 1:01:19 Chris Gelderman 1:05:35 Lynn Glover 1:05:39 Geoff Marshall 1:07:22 T. Hurst 1:08:08 Joanne Holden 1:08:57 Royce Johnston 1:12:06 Tony Shaw 1:12:50 Greg Robson 1:15:33 Andrew Whiteford 1:15:49 P. Whiteford 1:16:41 Barry Pearce 1:18:17 Paul Dalebruy 1:19:20 Ross Lamb 1:19:32 Peter Bakos 1:20:10 Malcolm Cunningham1:20:52 Dave Robinson 1:21:44 Simon Rea 1:22:58 C Whiteford 1:24:34 Gordon Somerville 1:24:41 Theiler 1:31:37 John Rapley 1:33:00 Rita Homes 1:36:26 Gary Holden 1:46:00 Orange Fergus McLean 0:48:26 Clint Davis 0:54:10 Lizzie Ingham 0:59:39 Helen Sharpe 1:01:22 Robyn Davidson 1:06:24 Anton Erasmuson 1:06:59 Greg Robson 1:07:12 Duncan McDonald 1:07:00 Sarah Underward 1:09:25 N. Richardson 1:11:00 Heather McDonald 1:13:49 Bill Lowrie 1:15:54 Dave Glover 1:16:23 Graham Cooper 1:23:26 Livesey Family 1:23:51 Yett Gelderman 1:26:04 James Scott 1:26:12 Kevin Bailey 1:28:20 C&L Waghorn DNF Yellow Rachel Soya 0:41:35 Richard Glover 0:43:58 Mary & Moira McD 0:50:26 Bernie Holmes 0:52:30 Rebecca Clancy 0:59:45 Rachel +6 1:04:32 Rebecca Harris 1:05:32 Alastair McDonald 1:11:36 R6A Boys 1:16:44 Matthew Cornwall 1:21:29 David Knowles 1:22:32 Katie Scott 1:24:31 C McMillan 1:30:04 M&D Maggs 1:47:00 Steven O'Hagan DNF White Arran Whiteford 0:45:20 Natalie Scott 0:46:01 Kate Rea 0:46:41 Alasdair Soya &Dad0:48:35 Fiona Erasmuson 0:50:40 J Vickers 0:51:06 Valerie Chan 0:58:25 Jill Allan DNF Margaret Harris DNF
Coordinators Comment
A nice day all round. No rain, nor for some days previously, giving good running conditions as long as you avoided the marsh at the bottom of gullies. Gavin had set courses to the east of the map, which had not been run in recent years. (Red long ran all over the map of course.) A particular winner was Rachel Soya, running yellow at her second orienteering event. She is a local, which was an advantage, but only knew the first few paddocks. So she did very well. Congratulations Rachel.
And I enjoyed a wry comment of Malcolm Inghams. Every time he arrives, the toilet tents seem to be in the same position as when he last left. He wondered if they were always there. So, just for the record. This time, the blue tent was the easternmost. Next time, I will make that the orange one. (Hmmm. Seems an easy enough spray-paint job. No need to move anything.)
Planner: Gavin Scott
Controller: None
Anton Erasmuson