Time 3hrs, 90% dark participants 51. Some corrections made 11 April
Paul writes...
We were pleased with the turnout of 51 on a freezing night (You've been mollycoddled by the long summer Paul, it was great once we got going ...webmaster). Very even spread of teams over the northern and section parts of the course.
Apologies to those teams who visited controls 41 and 90 where the questions did not match the control. Also control 51 was slightly out on the map. Teams who indicated they tried to find these controls were credited with the points. (Remark from the mapper - These planners are very good with their control placements so it just illustrates that mistakes can creep through in a non-checked event - if you're sure you're in the right place and can't find the object of the question, write down something unique about the place and carry on.)
Special mention should go to the group of 6 students from Upper Hutt College who finished in 8th place in their first rogaine. They are in training for the Hillary Challenge and should do pretty well based on this effort.
Time 3hrs, 30% dark participants 47
3 hours
Jo writes...
Time 3hrs, 0% dark, maximum score 1570 participants 91
91 entrants participated in the
shoestring Rogaine for 2008. Start/finish was at the councigrounds on
While setting this course, I spied a telegraph pole off the track known to MTBikers as "Carparts". I didn't exactly earn brownie points from Chris while we were actually trying to get to this pole, but we both agreed it was worth 90 points - hence control 90. 18 teams bashed through the undergrowth to get the code on the pole - congratulations to you all.
15 teams dropped down to 92 (another gorse-infested controin the creek) - that one started out as a 70 pointer, but after pushing my bike out of there twice I decided it was definitely worth 90.
Haze& Greg top scored and timed their run superbly (2hrs 58 minute). Respectable scores were also achieved by those that chose the urban option.
Thanks to everyone for supporting the event, see you at the next one.
Webmaster's comment: 6 people in the top 6 teams with the names Mick, Mike, Michaeor Mark. Mmmm...
1040 |
960 |
910 |
880 |
970 - 10%solo = 873 |
- 10 late = 870 |
840 |
820 |
- 10 late = 740 |
730 |
710 |
700 |
680 |
670 |
660 |
620 |
620 |
600 |
600 |
580 |
580 |
520 |
- 70 late = 510 |
late-10% solo=477 |
450 |
440 |
420 |
- 60 late = 420 |
390 |
- 30 late = 370 |
- 60 late = 360 |
- 70 late = 360 |
- 10% solo = 333 |
- 140 late = 290 |
270 |
- 10% solo = 261 |
220 |
210 |
180 |
- 10% solo = 100 |
Score sheet |
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