Johnsonville and Newlands. Time 3hrs, 100% light. Participants 64.
Course planners and Mark Hearfield. They write...
Great to see you all out there checking out the new RDMH map, which by all accounts was thoroughly enjoyable for all. Particularly the waterfall visit, and the views from the trig. For the keen (Bill, Andy, and on his bike, Greg) who visited all 4 100 pointers there was a bonus 100 points given out. We also dispensed with the 10% solo penalty in the spirit of Christmas in an urban setting.
Speedsters (and former city safari winners) Bill Edwards and Andy Foster collected all the Newlands controls separately and then tackled Mt Kau Kau before meeting up and grabbing a few dozen more controls together - then finishing in equal first place. It was suggested that we drop the 10% penalty for them as they finshed together but then we would have to apply a 10% penalty for splitting up at the start. An impressive effort!
Greg Thurlow, in his injured incarnation, whipped around on his bike to win the unofficial left-my-running-shoes-at-home-I'd-quite-like-to-rest-my-ankle-must-practise-my-MTB-orienteering-for-the-Pencarrow-rogaine-so-as-not-to-let-my-partner-down-gee-that-bike-looks-comfy category.
Third placed, and top team as well as top women, were NZ orienteering reps Lizzie Ingham and Rita Homes with an excellent 1320 points, just ahead of adventurers Ross Bidmead and Kerri Bidmead, followed closely by Magnus and Simon.
Start of the day goes to John Marshall who was on his way to Wellington for a game of poker and a pizza. After seeing Michael Wood and Nicholas Hann run past Khandallah Station with maps in hand he decided to switch to Rogaine and Pizza. A quick ride to Jville on his bike and he got away at 7pm and managed to pick up a quick 910 points in two hours.
Finish of the day goes to the team who scraped in at the exact last second - well done!
Thanks for coming along, good to see the ever-improving efforts from all, and looking forward to seeing everyone at the Pencarrow bike-run rogaine-bbq in 10 days.
PS A couple of teams were given the benefit of the doubt on some questions eg Andy Foster - Wellington City vs Streetworks - although maybe he knows better on who actually does the maintenance.
Cheers, Mick Finn and Mark Hearfield
Link here to the answers (493kb spreadsheet), and explanations (34kb spreadsheet).
Time 3hrs, 10% dark participants 73.
Greg writes...
Great to have 70-80 odd people turn up after a long break in the calendar. Congratulations to Bill Edwards, Tim Wilson and Darren Blackhurst who top scored with 1180. I still have a few spare maps so if you know of anyone who wants to have a go in their spare time, get them to drop me a line.
Mr FU did visit:
Scoring. I Know my mind is warped but I had a chortle over some of the answers – I get the feeling there was a little bit of frustration out there. So I was also a little more generous in the scoring…. I administered 10% penalty for mapper, solo and one late penalty (good that people were back on time). I nearly gave one team a penalty for too much haste and too little thinking but on the whole good to see you were all making a genuine attempt..
Thanks to: You all for turning up and persevering with my obsecure thought patterns; Jill Ford for the energy boost at the end – I’m sure some of you appreciated the chocolate (a nice touch; Michael Wood for another exceptional map (beats doing it with paintbrush like I did last time…)
Yours , Greg “Wile” Thurlow
BTW – don’t bother selecting music trivia as your bonus round at the pub quiz. Or are my music tastes really that bad…
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