Akatarawa Attack 2006
Detailed Information

Version Date: 16 Jan 06

Status: First-available version. There may be additions and changes prior to the event. Any changes will be referred to at briefing.

This page contains information useful for competing in the Akatarawa Attack. There are some "rules of the game", one or two details that weren't final when the entry form was completed, and some general advice. We've put the most important stuff in the first two sections.

The Area


Now you are there, we want you to have a fun day. However parts of the area are rugged and remote, so please note:

Rules of the Game

  • The detailed timetable is as follows: We are pleased to thank Dwights Great Outdoor Centre who have provided 8 pairs of Icebreaker sox and 9 Icebreaker beanies. We'll also have cycle goodies, and most will be dispensed as spot prizes.

    The Map

    The map for the Akatarawa Attack is intermediate in detail between the topo map and an orienteering map. To help those who are used to one or the other, here are some of the characteristics.

    General Advice

    Page written by Ph 04 566 2645. Feel free to ask about anything. See you Saturday.